Saturday, 21 December 2013

ARGH Road redesign / narrowing / pinch point roll outs?

Over the last few months whilst commuting to & from work - some works were going on which I've discovered are pinch points where the pavement is now curved out into the road to reduce the width of the road presumably to make a shorter crossing distance for pedestrians (this particular stretch, although residential is 40mph). The road previously had a semi-decent painted cycle lane that was between parked cars & the flow of traffic (never ideal, but at least it was away from the door zone).  Now the road is narrow, these pedestrian areas are often hidden by parked cars - as are the posts with hi-viz strips for cars to see them. This is forcing cyclists into the flow of traffic when approaching these areas.

Since getting irritated at this happening on the ONLY road connecting my home town with where I work (other than the motorway), I have noticed that this seems to be happening on the majority of arterial roads within the region. I can only assume this is being rolled out as a standard road feature country wide.  The roads in question are usually A roads that are jammed with parked cars and now this additional road clutter which is making it much more stressful both cycling & actually when I drive - and I am both a confident cyclist and driver (I cycle over 5000 miles per year).

I dont recall reading any consultation about these road redesigns and certainly nothing has been mentioned about them at the County Cycle Forum. Which begs the question - why on earth are authorities doing this? Surely if it is for pedestrian safety they should be looking at stopping traffic with crossings or reducing road speeds rather than making cars weave along roads and forcing cyclists into incredibly vulnerable positions on these roads, which are all narrowed by parked cars and pedestrian refuges and are now even narrower.

I've been commuting by bike regularly for over five years now and this year I have noticed that I feel much more vulnerable than previously by the way that the roads are being used. Near passes, more left hooks than ever before and I am having to commute early & early in a morning and much later in an evening to avoid heavy traffic. So these road changes are really unwelcome. Has anybody else noticed this and is there anything that can be done to undo this?

Sometimes I just feel like sacking off the cycle commute. But my bank balance and waistline would suffer. As would my off road hill climbing legs.
Feeling frustrated. And like my personal choice to not pollute on my way to work is being forced away from me. 


  1. I don't really have that problem on my commute to work, I am hoping that the new road that being built from the M6 to Hysham will take alot of the traffic off the rat run I use to cycle to work in the morning, on another point Georgie you need put link to this post from RSF forum.

    1. Yup rat runs on cycle routes are not great. I know plenty that are always filled with zooming cars

  2. 5,000 miles a year is an impressive figure. Good on you girl!

    1. The commute bulks it up quite a lot!

  3. Merry Christmas and wishing you a fantabulous new year!

    1. Thanks Tim, best wishes to you too. Here's to a wonderful year of pedalling!

  4. Just seen this - a subject close to my right elbow. We have three of these features within a few miles of home, two on roads carrying the National 60 mph speed limit, one on our local TT course. On a few occasions in the last couple of years I've been VERY close to being taken out by passing vehicles including a speeding bulk scrap metal lorry (very bad one) who just messed up, and other vehicles whose drivers seem not to see the narrowing, or me, until the last minute (in some cases due to tailgating) or who just miscalculate.
    The features seem to be poorly thought out. My present tactic is to move out slightly on the approach (having checked behind ...not always reassuring) to "claim the lane" but as this moves me out into the firing line so to speak it's not exactly a comfortable manoeuvre but I feel I am forced to do this for my own safety. Not good.
    Might raise with the CTC.
    It's better off road, I know! Must do more rough stuff. Must try to get out on more RSF runs. Could be a NY Resolution. Was considering the West Pennine thing today looking at the weather I think for me it would have been more cafe than ride.
    Blog still good btw!
    Arthur F

    1. Hi Arthur,
      Good call on not doing the W Pennine Meander - it was terrible weather! Yup off roading is brilliant - just wish there was a viable commuter route I could use to take me off this now hideous road. Altho I do firmly believe cycling needs a road presence too & safe infrastructure should be provided. After all the humble cyclist is probably single handedly responsible for most cafes staying in business as well as Soreen & afew other big brand companies ;-)
