Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Frank John, born eleven days ago and a whopper at 8lbs.

A long induction and labour, and I was pretty spaced out for the subsequent week.

The cycling through pregnancy seemed to stand me in good stead and I'm bouncing back from the pregnancy and birth pretty well.

At three days of age we had our first little walk. Although Frank slept through the whole thing.

At nine days we had a bigger walk around the hills enjoying a beautiful evening. And he slept through the whole of that too.

At day ten I managed 7 miles of walking with the pram into town & up to mum's. But I am taking things easy in between days where I'm due out at appointments.

Seriously missing being out on the bicycle, but at least I'm being kept well & truly occupied!


  1. Congrats to you and Stephen. A new era.. shopping for bike seats soon! - that's another thing he'll sleep through.

    1. Will be building a cargo bike up hopefully so we can have some fun camping trips down the line and of course The School Run (unless I take the plunge with home educating... alas I have to work)

  2. Congrats to you and Stephen, I am not putting ideals into your head but I was taked cycle camping when I was 18 weeks but that back in 1964.

    1. It should hopefully be nice weather by the time Frank's that old so its possible we'll be doing the same!

  3. Congratulations. He's beautiful. Good to hear you're doing well.

    1. thanks - each day feels like a new challenge at the moment

  4. Congratulations, and nice names too. Being fit before the birth pays dividends. I hope you're manageing to get some sleep too. I've been checking your blog regularly to see if there's any news. All the best.

    1. Some nights we get to sleep, but others we dont... Stephen's pleased he'll be off work next week- its been a shock to his system with having to get up in the mornings.

  5. Congratulations! Good to see you looking so well and being so active! With all that sleeping during the day, I hope Frank is letting you get some sleep yourself at night. :)

    1. thanks :-) Still taking it easy- internal healing still going on. Funnily the hardest thing to do is vacuum

  6. Welcome to the world Frank! Awesomeness indeed. So young and so many adventures already! xx

    1. At least he was awake for the eclipse, but tucked up in my dressing gown, so missed that too :-p
